STEAM at Foxcroft
Inspiring Girls to Pursue 21st-Century Skills
In today’s world, the STEAM subjects of science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics are critical. At Foxcroft, they are also fun.
你可能会在3D打印机上设计和组装一只假手,或者在教别人如何编程的同时提高你的计算机技能. 戴上安全帽,看看工程师、建筑师和承包商是如何建造新宿舍的. 将您对生物学的热爱与摄影结合起来,在樱花下进行青色实验.
Leonardo da Vinci said that to have a complete mind, you must: “Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses — especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.” 这种发现和实验的感觉使跨学科的学习变得生动起来, which we see regularly in our learning spaces, teaching practices, course offerings, and after school programming.
我已经获得了工程和设计方面的实践经验,并且在别人面前发言变得更加自如. While we are actively learning and having fun, 我们可以把我们的帮助延伸到其他人,这样他们就可以从我们的创造中受益.
— Belle C., Class of 2024
3D Printing with a Purpose
In the 2023-24 school year, 学生们有机会参加一门有意义的3D设计和制造课程. Using the 3D printer in The Innovation Lab, 他们为上肢不同的人打印和组装假手. Students learned how these devices, designed by e-NABLE, 是否可以针对个人接受者进行个性化,并作为一种比传统医疗设备更容易获得的授权工具使用.
Learn More about our STEAM Program
STEAM is for Girls!
研究表明,进入女子学校会影响学生在STEAM领域的兴趣和成功, as well as their future careers.
more likely to major in math, science & technology
女校毕业生考虑主修数学的可能性是女校毕业生的6倍, science, 和男女同校的女生相比.
—Goodman Research Group, 女校经历:对单性别学校年轻女校友的调查
more likely to consider engineering careers
Compared to coeducated peers, 女校毕业生考虑从事工程职业的可能性是女校毕业生的三倍.
—Dr. Linda Sax, UCLA, 男女同校高中的女毕业生:特征差异与向大学的过渡
more academic interests in computer science
—National Center for Women & Information Technology, Girls in IT: The Facts
more confident in their mathematical abilities
At the start of university, girls’ school graduates in the U.S. 他们对自己数学能力的信心比同校的同龄人高出10%.
—Dr. Linda Sax, UCLA, 男女同校高中的女毕业生:特征差异与向大学的过渡
more likely to be elected to leadership positions
—Americans for the Arts, 透过语言学习活出艺术:以社区为基础的青年组织报告
stronger as a candidate for future careers
— Arts Education Navigator, Facts and Figures
AP Computer Science Female Diversity Awards
福克斯克罗夫特多年来一直获得着名的大学理事会AP计算机科学女性多样性奖, 履行学院的承诺,为所有学生提供加深他们对计算机科学知识和理解的机会.
— Cathy McGehee, Head of School
Innovative Courses
Each year, STEAM教师提供的课程能吸引学生的兴趣,并向他们介绍新概念. Featured new course for 2024-25: Scientific Illustration.
从第一届科技挑战赛机器人团队(班级和运动队)到养蜂和可持续发展俱乐部, co-curricular offerings extend STEAM education beyond the classroom.
Speakers & Seminars
通过由福克斯克罗夫特的承包商合作伙伴领导的实践研讨会和STEAM领域专家的特别演讲,学习现实世界的经验教训, like oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle.
Competitions in STEAM
福克斯克罗夫特每年都会为中学生和高中生举办STEM竞赛. During Arts Week, 科学摄影比赛展示了我们的学生和教师的才华.